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Happy new year 96

The round of the clay, from beyond the seasonal cold and rainy, dark clouds moved out of the sky ... Eyelid look at the woman and colorful flowers from the soil you go ... Smile and green trees rise up ... You're coquetry and winter, spring is ... Spring is a good growing area and season, and the ...  Seasonal bud lips that closed down, mouth open, and flowers are ... When the spring comes, the streets of the dead from the cold, to dance to the delight of passers-by to rise up and take ... When the spring comes, the frequent winter ice water Fountains, refreshing walk on the cobblestone streets Pvyd ... Purest prayers to the sun tar and KEBRIAEI to deposit my throne, Homay happiness to your life its nest ... Lord what you want, except in God, believe no one can imagine ... Happy Spring 1396

25-Mar 2017   /   0 Comments

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